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What We Do

Crawford Career Consulting Corp is a professional services firm that offers company-sponsored career transition management and outplacement services. We provide a personalized approach to working with both our client companies and candidates, including initial and ongoing assistance with every aspect of the transition, beginning with exit communications to final job acceptance. We coach our candidates on developing the overall job search strategy, creating resumes, improving their presentation and growing their network, which leads to discovering unpublished opportunities.


We offer two levels of outplacement services: the Complete Transition Management Program for executives, senior management, directors and managers; and the Quick Start Program for supervisors and staff level employees. Sandy and her team are known for their caring and responsive approach to assisting individuals in transition. Whether expected or unexpected, job loss can be difficult. Before launching a successful job search or career transition, preparing a plan, anticipating potential questions, selecting references, updating or creating resumes, knowing what help to get from your network and being able to articulate career interests, are important first steps. Our team provides candid feedback regarding interview and presentation skills and assists with preparation for salary negotiations.

Complete Transition Management Program

The Complete Transition Management Program provides initial and ongoing assistance with every aspect of the candidate’s transition, beginning with exit communications to final job acceptance. Candidates meet one-on-one with the career coach. The coach is available between meetings via phone, text or email for advice.

Quick Start Program

The Quick Start Program is designed to assist candidates with the initial preparation for a job search. Candidates meet with the career coach for one-on-one sessions to complete the training and are offered telephone support for follow-up questions.

Please call for a detailed or customized proposal.

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